Damn Vulnerable DeFi

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There’s a token bridge to withdraw Damn Valuable Tokens from an L2 to L1. It has a million DVT tokens in balance.

The L1 side of the bridge allows anyone to finalize withdrawals, as long as the delay period has passed and they present a valid Merkle proof. The proof must correspond with the latest withdrawals’ root set by the bridge owner.

You were given the event logs of 4 withdrawals initiated on L2 in a JSON file. They could be executed on L1 after the 7 days delay.

But there’s one suspicious among them, isn’t there? You may want to double-check, because all funds might be at risk. Luckily you are a bridge operator with special powers.

Protect the bridge by finalizing all given withdrawals, preventing the suspicious one from executing, and somehow not draining all funds.